Thursday, July 28, 2005

Blur return

Back in the Evergreen State - tripped out between worlds. I've almost been here a week and I am still not over the jet lag and cultural forgottens.

(Everything really is BIG in America.)


Stepping down Broadway with the ever-dynamic Christy Kyllo scopin' out the changes and chatting with her hoards of friends that line the streets. We indulged each other with chocolate mousse and stories of love and (in)discretions at Dilettante. My SweetPsychoSister is saturated with satisfaction and joy at her upcoming marriage to hottie Jason Powers. It's very warm in her glow these days.

Beers at maritime with a surreal crew of old high school friends who just happened to stroll on in. Of course the big star and sole reason for my presence at the bar under the bridge was beloved friend Randy. We hung with the crowd for a reasonable amount of time, then vamoosed for some late night walking ramblings and finger pointing shesaid/hedid bantering that we are so good at. Randy and I have jived well since high school (conveniently forgetting the few years after when he broke my girls' hearts and he lived in fear that I would bite his head off - of course, his story is different). I still get wrapped up in this boy's slip stream. Come to Japan, dear Randy. Let's lock ourselves in the Kotoen apartment and not emerge until we have finished our *promise to be better than woody's* script. The trouble we cause is rather gorgeous. Wouldn't you agree?

Watching little Kiomye (re)discover America. "Hold hands in the parking lot, Kiomye. Oh... um, this is a parking lot." Since movies are so cheap here I took her to a matinee of Madagascar and she was fully awed with the big screen experience. She thinks the parks here are heaven (which they are compared to the post-apocalyptic disappointments of Japan's parks) and still circles her eyes wide when the kid's answer her back in English.

Then today relaxing in the sun with my unrequited, pretending to be chill and unaffected. (He knows otherwise.) Chatting in circles around the topics that strike me too deep, then striking out at the last good-bye moment because really I just can't help myself. Sorry for raising my voice. Thank God for Europeans that kiss hello, or else I still wouldn't be completely convinced of your physical proximity.

Note to Dan: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (and hurry back to Seattle) (and Everyone and their mother says hello)
Note to Abby: I'm still not processing a good-bye yet. Girl's night is just around the corner, right?
Note to Yuuki: Good luck with the translations of this madness. I hope your tunes arrived.
Note to Amanda: I'm calling tomorrow!!!

This is all reading like a bad high school year book scribbling. I wonder what my friends back in Japan will make of it.


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