Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Score one for the reluctant teacher

You may remember a couple posts back how I was lamenting because I thought I my teacher partner was criticizing my teaching when he dumped a stack of grammar books on my desk. I was able to corner him a couple days later for a nice “sit-down let’s talk about expectations” meeting. I learned (once again) that I am incredibly sensitive and paranoid about criticism. I don’t just want to do a good job – I want to do the best that has ever been done.

My teaching partner was shocked when I told him I thought he thought I wasn’t doing good enough. He heaping a great many steaming piles of praise on me until that cranky, suspicious look on my face went away. He told me that I’m the best ATE he’s ever worked with (he’s never worked with Dan, obviously  ) and that I’m doing a great job. He’d just given me the books because he thought I might want them on my desk. Nothing more. Oooooooh. In fact, he said he thought I was capable of much more and wanted me to have more control of the class.

The result of that meeting was that our classes were split in half and I (basically) no longer have a teaching partner. I am in charge of my curriculum and syllabus. I can do whatever the hell I want.

Yea!!! Super cool!

Wait…. That means I have to do a crap load more work.

So, anyway, today was m first day of independent classes. The kids were so happy to hear that I’d be their teacher that they actually cheered and clapped. That made me feel good – almost made up for all the previous days when they just sat there staring at me with their mouths open like a bunch of apes. My classes went vary well. I admit that I offered a candy bribe, but, whatever. The kids stayed happy and on task and I never had to shout at them to quiet down.

I’m exhausted from trying to instantly invent a term’s worth of classes from two partial days of planning, but otherwise I’m feeling rather self satisfied. Tomorrow is Matt’s birthday and I plan on simply enjoying the day (and him) and not thinking a all about school. How funny. I sounded like a student there for a minute.


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