Friday, June 11, 2004

Teary Business (the incredible lightness of being finished)

Yesterday, I had my final evaluation with my teacher. What he said was so positive and encouraging that I cried, but not until after I left his office because Bill’s not a crying kind of guy and I’m one tough cookie. Then I went to my graduation rehearsal and picked up my cap and gown. I drove home, attached the tassel to my cap and modeled the whole shebang in the mirror. Then I cried some more.

This ending college is a teary business.

Now I’m sitting here with streaks of bleach drying in my hair and a cup of coffee with half a pack of Swiss Miss mixed in. Indulgent. I just checked my online sales reports and found out that someone in LA just bought three copies of my book. Fabulous. I have no plans for this afternoon other than reading a novel and taking a long nap curled up with my husband.

One of the most wonderful things about ending my classes is that I now am the master of my own reading list. I rarely read anything of my own choosing during the academic year as if I do I am overcome with guilt because I am probably neglecting some other required reading. This week, I went crazy and spent a ton of money at the used bookstore. Then, my generous ex-step-mom (yes, I have one of those families.) gave me a gift-certificate to Barnes and Noble that I managed to spend within an hour of receiving the card. I bought that Dave Eggers book that everyone says is so incredible and the new McSweeney’s with “literary” comics. I bought Ariel Gore’s The Mother Trip (which I’m almost finished with) and Expat, a book about women who live abroad that is perfect for reading in the bath. I bought three back issues to Brain, Child and devoured them in one sitting. I bought a book of Camus’ essays because if I quote him in my writing, I really should actually read his words, rather than just garner his wisdom from my friends. I am rich in words and reading.

My timer just went off. It’s time to log-off, chug the coffee and rinse the bleach out of my hair. Until next time, dear bloggers.


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