Friday, November 12, 2004

brilliant mastery over the ordinary

Today I took a Taxi by myself. Using my meager Japanese, I was able to express myself effectively enough to get my tired body home. Feeling buoyed by my success, I decided to try to order a pizza over the phone. I even managed to add a side salad and chicken nuggets to our order. I have very little understanding of the actual exchange between myself and the pizza guy, but 45 suspenseful minutes later, our order arrived at our door. Glorious day! I am a genius! I took a taxi AND ordered a pizza.

(For some of us, standards are low.)


At 12:48 PM, Blogger Carol said...

Such things would be cause for celebration at my house wtih my limited Urdu skills. I think I'll write a post about it now. Bye, have a great day.

PS: Just recently got 4 new Japanese students and got called "Carolsan" for the first time. It sounds so cute. When my daughter Abez was teaching at the Japanese school here in PK, she adopted the title Sensa (SIC?) for the longest.
Sorry to inflict my bad spelling on you. My spelling is very poor under the best circumstances, but early morning spelling is impossible.


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