cOOl . . . . . . . . . . . . Don't lose it.

This is a fantastic demonstration of why I love photoshop. Here is a relatively crappy little doodle I did in my "Ornery" notebook today. Eh. Not so good. I have litle skill with real ink, but I do have a solid conceptual and design sense. Enter the magic of photoshop. Add a little color. Delete the clutter. Enlarge or shrink or instant emphasis. Add (con)text. I'd love to print these four out on large glossy sheet and hang them in a block. I'd call them the "Don't lose it" postcard series.(As always, click to enlarge.) If you haven't noticed, I'm a little into swank these days.

CB - You made my day in a really big way. Thanks. I'll see what I can do...
so you're getting some cool art out of the crap going on in life, like you said. i'd buy those postcards, too, support the arts. well, not from you - i'd expect freebies. :) all my love still flows your way.
~c. powers
(ps. - still don't officially have internet at home - but the beauty of the city and wireless connection is we have like 30 networks floating around us to pull from. yup - we'll be dying of brain tumors soon enough.)
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