Christmas Cheer

My mom also sent Kiomye a little art desk. It was delivered in a giant box full of packing peanuts. Kiomye could climb in and totally disappear. Very funny.
We did have a scare when I picked up Kiomye from school and was told that she'd hurt her arm while playing with one of the teachers. It looked OK, but when I asked her to rotate her palms up, she started crying and couldn't do it. Oh, crap. I had to take her to the doctor. Luckily, two of the teachers came with me to act as chauffer and translator. The doc spent about 30 seconds feeling her arm, then made a deep yell and cranked her arm back and forth twice. My eyes about popped out of my head. I thought for sure Kiomye would start screaming, but as soon as he did it, her tears stopped and she started to smile really big. "OK now," the doctor said. Apparently, she had dislocated her elbow. Ouch! She's ok now, but the doc said that because it has happened once, it is very likely that it may happen again. He said that she won't be able to hurt it herself because you can't exhibit pull on your own arm, but that I probably shouldn't even hold that hand until she's seven or so. SEVEN!!! Sheesh.
Happy late Christmas! It's a good thing you're not in town, though - it's likely I'd be the first one to yank on your child's arm and dislocate it.
Happy New Year, too! We still don't have a clue as to what we're doing - I've been sick all week and tonight Jason's having guys over to play poker and I'll probably hide out and watch movies. There is some sort of thing going on nearby with aerial acrobatics, juggling, fire dancing and some good bands happening, so that should be fun. :)
Love ya!
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