Pernod + Ramune ... 8 Not bad at all. Very drinkable. Ramune is that delightful fizzy drink with the blue marble at the top of the bottle. To make this drink, pour one shot of absinthe over a suspended sugar cube (Finally those gift teaspoons from my school come in handy!). Light the sugar on fire - careful not to let any flame drop down and burn the bulk of the precious. After the flame dies, pop the marble into the glass bottle and pour Ramune over the sugar to fill a small glass halfway. Tasty and fun to make.
Pernod + grapefruit juice ... 9 Yummy! Tangy with a bite. Prepare the absinthe and sugar as above, but then fill the glass with grapefruit juice. Pulpy is best. Grapefruit juice isn't very exotic, but the drink is fabulous.
Pernod + Kirin Lemon ... 5 Eh. Not bad, not good. Tastes more like the ice melted remains of a drink rather than an actual drink. Takes the edge off of straight absinthe, but doesn't alter it all that much. Although, with this drink, you could get the vitamin infused version of Kirin Lemon and pass this off as an energy drink. Hmmm, possibilities. Prepare the absinthe the same as above. You may want to add extra sugar. Top off with Kirin Lemon.
The perfect ten? It's still a Hemmingway prepared at Cafe Absinthe by the graceful hands of Chisatto and under the steamy gaze of Kazuo. Hands and gazes improve drinks immeasurably.
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