Sunday, July 04, 2004

Matt and I rented A Streetcar Named Desire last night. I needed a Brando fix. I'd never seen this movie, but I liked it even more than I thought I would. It was fun to see the French Quarter, it reminded me of the little apartment Matt and I shared, especially with the wooden shutters and the delapidated rooms. The Quarter really does make life feel that mellow dramatic. Posted by Hello


At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's me, Dan's friend Abby! Thanks for commenting on my lj! Feel free to look through the rest of it (although I'm brutally honest, just to let you know). Actually, my lj's pretty boring (all I do is complain about work-related stuff). If you have any direct questions about living in Japan or what to bring or whatever, just comment in my journal or email me at Either way is cool. You sound like a pretty cool chica. (And you've published books! That's awesome!) You're the one coming to take crazy Jeff's position, right? ::crosses fingers::

That is weird that we both used the word "scribble."

Yeah, being a woman in Japan can be really frustrating. I'm bigger than many of the men here and could probably whoop their butts in a fight, but I still get treated as being a "lesser" human. Of course, part of that is the fact that I'm a foreigner, too. It's bad enough being female; being foreign makes it that much harder. (Also, I have a pretty no-nonsense temperament, and the Japanese engage in nothing but nonsense, so it can be really difficult sometimes.) Uh, not to discourage you or anything. It's not all bad, though, and the people are nice. It's just that every once in a while you hit a brick wall that nobody else is hitting.

Wow, I just read over the entry you commented on, and it's pretty strong. Guess I was having a bad day. ^_~

Btw, Streetcar is a great movie. ("Stella!") Haven't seen it in years, but I remember it was great.

Anywho, good to hear from you!



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