Saturday, August 14, 2004

Pure Propaganda

Chrsi Hedges wrote in War is a Force that Give us Meaning, “A woman is less able to identify with and be seduced by war and the allure of violence.”

Confusion. Is this because women know nothing of seduction and allure? I think Chris has hedged his bet in the wrong direction.

“The more subtle our thinking about love, the more intelligently we discriminate ideals from reality, the more interesting our biography becomes,” so wrote Armstrong in The Condition of Love.

Meager rationalization. Logic is poison for a faithful heart. As our dear president Bill demonstrated, “It all depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.”

I can turn myself into a victim. I can claim that the pressures and expectations of monogamy are simply unreasonable for a woman like me. I can claim that my intellect demands more stimuli, that my body is conditioned for closeness of skin and heat, that my writer’s life demands an existence outside the boundaries of other women. How unfair it is to hold one such as myself to such stringent rules, rules that will corrode my spirit and strength. I must be strong, my spirit well fed – for it is me that carries this family. It is my dreams that propel us, my words that feed us. If my dreams suffer, then we all suffer. My child, my husband and me.


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