Wednesday, October 06, 2004

*smooch, smochie, smooch, smooch*

This week I am conducting one-on-one conversations with my students. They come sit with me in the hallway for a couple minutes and we chat about art, life and Harry Potter (I just can’t seem to distract them from that dang Potter). At the end of the discussion, I ask if they have any questions for me. This gives them a moment to surprise me and show off their English or to control the topic.

A student today said that he had seen me and Dan at the train station. I nodded my head. Then he went back into class. The next student came out and when he got to his free question, he asked where I was going with Mr. Reade. I said we were going to Starbucks to drink coffee. He went back into class. The next student came out and we talked for a bit, then he asked me why I was having coffee with Reade sensei.

At this point, I had to laugh out loud. These kids are so funny. It doesn’t matter that I’m married or that Matt teaches a class at this school a couple times a week or even the fact they have also spotted all three of us (plus Kio) walking around town together. These kids simply saw me and Dan together and their little minds jumped to juicy conclusions. I said something to the last kid about being old friends and needing to write letters for grad school. I’m sure he didn’t understand any of it. He probably only heard “smooch, smochie, smooch smooch.”


The questions I’ve been getting for the rest of the day are much less direct. The kids just keep asking who my favorite teacher is, or which teacher I like the most. I never got this question until today, now I’ve heard it six times.

Middle school boys. Gotta love ‘em. I’m sure that a couple of these punks will grow up to be charming young men. But, since we can’t tell which those two might be in advance, I say we just drown the whole lot.


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