WOW! What more can I say?

A fabulous Saturday night! The bluegrass band was shockingly talented. They even mentioned us on their blog. It's in Japanese, but I'm told they wrote very flattering things. Very cool.
Check it out:

A slice of Osaka

Water view of Osaka

She has more guts than me! I wouldn't touch the thing!

Kiomye riding the "magic" subway.

Strange horse ride

Giant ferris wheel in Osaka

Kiomye and Matt chatting about life on the giant Ferris wheel.


Nishinomiya at dusk.

A kiss from Kio.

Season One just arrived in my mailbox from the States. JOY!!!
While waiting for the words to return...
...enjoy some absurdity.
No object contains meaning within itself. Meaning is an invention of context, human perseption being the most basic and powerful.
In my limited mind, anyway.

Me too

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