Thursday, September 21, 2006

Be patient (unlike me)

Life in Japan is suddenly jam-packed. The term has started with it's whirlwind of classes and events and little dramas. Upon exposure to my students (or, dirty little carriers, as I'm referring to them now), I came down with a wicked cold that I am still fighting. I was invited to the hyper-glam wedding of two internation super-models, which was surreal enough in itself. But attending while suffering a fever of 102 turned the whole thing into a real fear and loathing kind of experience. The bride draped me in her diamond chains and spun me around the room and I felt as though all of Osaka was twirling with us, and didn't bother to stop even after we sat down for fois gras and champagne sherbert.

But, no more diamonds for me. I'm back in the reality of gradebooks, wrinkled homework papers and cold cups of coffee. Now this is glam.


At 11:12 PM, Blogger Diana said...

I am a pillar of patience. WHERE ARE YOU? I'm about to go write on my blog for the first time in months. I know you're busy so no pressure, but...I'm due for some Kelsye words in the near future. When the desire hits you, even if it's for a second, remember that I'm still out here checking your page regularly.

Love and chocolate kisses,


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