To be a real American, Kiomye needs to learn how to drive a big rig at the earliest possible age. I know, I know, she's already three. Allowances must be made for her learning delay as we have been out of the country.
Oh yes, I am back
I just returned to Japan from my visit home and when I plugged in my laptop, my internet connection did not work. Horror! My connection is crucial. It can be truly isolating and frustrating when you don't have access at home - especially when you need to cross oceans to find local community that understands those strange sounds coming out of your mouth (fingers?).
I rechecked my bills to make sure it was paid. It was.
(Mad props to Matt for taking care of those things while I was gone.) I tried again and again to connect clicking around in all sorts of places I've never been before. Because of the language barrier, I couldn't just call up tech support and ask what was up. I’d gone two days without access and was terrified that I wouldn't be able to get it to work again. I cursed my low Japanese skills and ran through the list of Japanese speakers I felt comfortable enough to intrude upon to help me out with this mundane task.
Then, just before I was about to ask my overly busy and stressed boss to spend his precious free afternoon on the phone with the internet company at my house, I decided to try one more time. I noticed the lights on my router were not blinking like usual. They weren't on at all. Wait a minute is the plug.....?
Yep. I just needed to push the plug back into the wall.
Oh my.
To the dear friends I didn't manage to see while I was back in the U.S. - please forgive me. It's amazing how little I was actually able to accomplish on my long vacation. Such is the busy madness of a limited trip back home. I'll be back again in a year (so goes the plan) with much more time on my hands and promise to make it up.
Have I mentioned how much Kiomye adores Evynne?
Up the mountainside

Yesterday I climbed a mountain with my father. We ascended on his hand-made trail, my thighs and calves made well aware of his distaste for switchbacks. He made his path like a broken excalator - up up up. The sun baked our skin on the exposed slope and we fried our minds with fast talk and delightful verbal sparring. Highly satisfying.

Christy becomes powerful
Miss Kyllo has become Mrs. Powers. Here's the highlights from the joyous event...
The Bachelorette Party:
Yep. There we are. Gettin' happy.

Here are dear friends Jenny and Mae checking out Christy's engagement ring.

Christy feigned modesty for about five seconds. Then I started up a Neil Diamond song for her and the rocking was begun. She loves terrible songs. Good thing she's not single anymore.

Christy and I have taken this exact same at-arms-length cheesy vamping picture over 100 times. We still think we're funny.

Jenny and I took a break from the wedding prep and treated ourselves to a night out in Seattle. (Actually, I just wanted an excuse to wear my little black dress.) We clicked down broken sidewalks and drank red wine in black cafes. Highly satisfying on many levels.
The big day:
Kiomye is, of course, absolutely delighted to be back on the same continent as her "squishy."

This is Kio and Jason's cousin. Kiomye pulled off her first flower girl gig without a hitch - but there was really no way she was going to toss her pretty petals on the the ground like the other girl. That's just crazy!

Here's the happy couple after the recieving line madness calmed itself. So gorgeous and happy!

Here's the wedding party in the limo after the ceremony. Most of us wanted to sleep, kept awake only by frantic excitement and the promise of the party to come.

Here is my beloved Jenny once again (because I just can't help myself!).

This is Snowman Plan - the shockingly talented band that played at Christy's reception.

This is my favorite picture of Christy on her wedding day. She looks like the Tiki Goddess-Bride. The torches were scorching her gifts, so she had to move them. I'm just happy her veil didn't ignite. Of course, I didn't help, I just took the picture.