Girl and Boys

Here are two recent Japan pictures. There's the rockstar herself, rockin' the Valentine's Day party at her school. I love the bemused looks of her teachers behind her. Yesterday, I was walking her home from school and she was asking me if we could stop at the store to get a "treat". I was TRYING to explain how not EVERYDAY is a treat day when the woman that runs the boutique-for-upscale-stuffy-women-with-bad-taste-and-an-affinity- for-beige (not its offical name) frantically waved us in. Some big childrens' holiday is coming in a couple of weeks. In honor of it, she gave Kiomye two presents. I've been in her store twice. I don't have an affinity for beige. I've never bought anything. But, the presents she gave Kiomye (an emperer and empress doll set, jewelry box and cherry blossom candies) were from a very nice department store in the heart of Osaka. Kiomye is getting very good at her "arigato"s and her little bows. She had a blissed out look on her face when we left, clutching her "treats" tight.
It must be rough being a rockstar.

I didn't run. I had the flu. Doh! Other teachers had even bet on me coming in first. Sigh sigh sigh. Jeff came in about 25 places behind where we did last year. So, I'll just pretend that means I would have beaten him this year. Yup.
By "first", I meant out of the teachers. Of course, 200 or so of those string cheese lookin' little boys would still kick my ass. Their energy is boundless and mysterious. We should find a way to squeeze it out and put it in a new drink. Essense O' 13-year-old would certainly beat even Red Bull on the market. At any rate, I'll like to put a few of my students through a wringer. Ya know, just for fun.
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