photobooth fun

We're not English snobs. We'll take what we can get.
We thought Ayumi was brilliant.
On a side note: A while back, I bought some fabulous sexy boots with tall skinny heels at a recycle shop. Major find. Although, as it turns out, I am not a girl that does well with tall delicate heels. I mashed those suckers to pieces. I smacked them into curbs, ground them against escalator grating, scuffed them on conrete and pounded them into stone steps. Today, we stopped by a shoe repair place and I handed them over, rather embarassed at their condition and asked with a skepitcal, apologetic look, "Dekimaska?" Can you do it? The man just grunted and swept them up in his arms. Kiomye and I watched as he ripped the heels apart, pounded nails in, bolted down new rubber post tips, glued edges, smoothed, blacked and polished the leather. Then he handed them back to me with another grunt. They were prettier and now even sturdier than when I bought them. It took him about four minutes. It cost me 800 yen (less than 8 bucks). I was so amazed. I'm never buying new shoes again. Cobblers Are geniuses!
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